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What Size Rucksack Do I Need For Wild Camping?

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Wild camping means hiking trails, backpacking, and camping out in the wild. For many people, this is a great way to get outside and experience nature. However, if you are going to be wild camping you will need to pack accordingly for the conditions that you will be camping in. The question is, what size rucksack do I need for wild camping? In this guide, we look at how to choose a rucksack and how big yours should be for a wild camping trip.

For those looking for the short answer…

For wild camping, you will need at least a 30-litre rucksack and should consider going for a larger rucksack if you are planning a multi-day hike, where you may be taking a stove with you as well. 50-litres is the sweet spot when it comes to wild camping rucksacks as they will generally fit in your tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad and clothes with room for other items as well.

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What Size Rucksack Do I Need For Wild Camping
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What Size Rucksack Do I Need For Wild Camping?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of terrain you will be camping in and the amount of gear you plan to take with you. That said, here are some general guidelines to help you choose the right size rucksack for your needs.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a rucksack that is big enough to hold all of your gear but not so large that it becomes cumbersome to carry. When packing, think about how you will distribute the weight evenly. Try to pack heavy items close to your back and lighter items further away.

If you will be camping in hilly or mountainous terrain, it is important to choose a rucksack with a capacity of at least 50 litres. This will provide enough space for all of your gear plus some extra room for snacks and water.

How to Choose a Rucksack for Wild Camping

Wild camping can be a great way to get close to nature and escape the hustle and bustle of city life. However, before you go out into the wilderness, it’s important to make sure that you have the right gear. One of the most important items you’ll need is a rucksack. Not all rucksacks are created equal, so it’s important to choose one that’s suited for your needs.

When choosing a rucksack for wild camping, there are a few things you need to consider. The first thing to think about is how much stuff you plan on taking with you. Rucksacks come in different sizes, so make sure you pick one that’s big enough to fit everything you need without being too bulky or heavy.

The second thing to think about is how much you ll be carrying. If you plan on taking more than one rucksack, the weight of each bag will add up and could slow you down while hiking.

Finally, consider which bags are best suited for backpacking trips. If you’re doing a long hike, a backpack is probably the best option because it’s more comfortable than other options. You might be able to fit a sleeping bag and tent in your backpack, but it might not be very comfortable.

As a quick note here, rucksack and backpack mean the same thing, so if you are worried about whether you should be a rucksack or backpack, don’t worry as they are the same thing!

What Equipment Do You Need to Go Wild Camping?

If you’re looking to go on your first wild camping trip, there are a few pieces of equipment you’ll need to make the experience safe and enjoyable.

The first thing you’ll need is a tent. Make sure to get a tent that is big enough for the number of people going on the trip with you. You’ll also want to pack a groundsheet, which will protect your tent from moisture and sharp objects on the ground.

In addition to a tent, you’ll need a sleeping bag and pad. A good sleeping bag can keep you warm in temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit, so make sure to choose one that’s suitable for your trip. A sleeping pad will provide extra cushioning and insulation from the ground.

If you’re going on a longer trip, you might want to pack a camping stove. The camping stove uses fuel to heat up water, which you can use to make coffee and other hot drinks throughout the day. A campfire is also another way to stay warm while outdoors.


So there you go, when choosing a rucksack for wild camping, it is important to consider the size and type that will be most comfortable and functional for your needs. A good rule of thumb is to choose a pack that is able to carry at least 30-35 litres, and that has a variety of pockets and compartments for organizing your gear.

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