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Are Camping Fridges Worth It?

Camping fridges are a popular purchase for campers and those who enjoy spending time outdoors. They offer the convenience of having cold food and drinks without the need to pack a large cooler. But are camping fridges worth it? Should you spend your hard-earned cash on one? Some people say they are, while others feel they are not necessary. In this guide, we will look at the pros and cons of camping fridges.

For those looking for the quick answer:

Camping fridges are a great investment for those who are going on longer camping trips but they are not always necessary when taking shorter trips, where a coolbox would suffice. The main reason they are great is the ability to keep food fresher for longer, giving you more meal options on longer trips.

Want to know more? Then read on.

Are Camping Fridges Worth It
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Advantages of Camping Fridges:

Keeps Drinks Cold

If you’re a fan of camping, then you know that there are few things better than a cold drink when you’re out in the middle of nowhere. While most people just bring along a regular cooler to keep their drinks cold, camping fridges mean that you can keep your drink cooler over a longer period without needing to buy more ice.

Keeps Food Fresh

Camping fridges are a great way to keep your food fresh and stop it from spoiling. They’re also good for keeping milk cool so you can have cups of tea while you’re camping.

Gives You More Options for Food

Camping fridges are perfect for those who like to have a wider variety of food options while camping. They allow you to cook fresh food, as well as store more than just dried food and tinned goods. This is a great option for those who like to have a more varied diet while camping, or for those who want to avoid eating the same thing every day. Camping fridges are also great for keeping perishable items cold, which can come in handy if you’re travelling through a hot area.

Disadvantages of Camping Fridges

Limited Storage Space

Camping fridges are a great way to store food while camping, but there is one big disadvantage: the limited storage space. You have to be very selective about what you take because there’s not much room to store anything else. This can be a challenge if you’re used to packing a lot of food for your trip.

Another downside is that most camping fridges are quite small. If you’re only using it for a short trip, this might not be a problem, but if you’re going on a longer camping trip, you might need to pack more food than the fridge can hold. This can be frustrating if you have to pack and unpack your food every time you want something from the fridge.

They Can Be Quite Costly

Camping refrigerators are a great way to keep your food and drinks cold while you are camping, but they can be expensive. The prices for camping refrigerators vary, but most of them are not cheap. You can find some cheaper models, but they may not have all of the features that you want. If you are looking for a refrigerator that has a lot of storage space and is energy efficient, then you will likely need to spend a little more money.

They Can Be Quite Heavy

Camping refrigerators are a great addition to any camping trip, but there is one major disadvantage – they are heavy. While this may not be an issue for short trips or those who are physically fit, for those taking longer trips or who are not as mobile, having a refrigerator that is heavy can be a real inconvenience.

They Often Require a Lot of Power to Run

Another downside to camping fridges is that they tend to use more power than other cooling options, such as ice chests and cool boxes. This means that you will have to run your generator more often if you have a fridge, which can add to the cost of your trip. One option is to get an efficient 12V fridge, which will help to reduce the amount of power consumed.

Why Are Camping Fridges so Expensive?

Camping fridges come in all shapes and sizes, with a wide range of features and prices. But why are they so expensive? One reason is that camping fridges require a lot of technology to fit into a small package. They need to be able to run on 12-volt power from a car or truck, 110-volt AC power from a wall outlet, and LP gas. That’s a lot of options for powering the fridge, which drives up the cost. Another reason is that camping fridges are designed to last for years in harsh outdoor environments. They need to be tough enough to handle bumps and bruises while being transported, and they need to keep your food cold in extreme weather conditions.


So there you go, camping fridges can be a great addition to your camping gear, but they are not always necessary. If you are going on a short camping trip, or if you have a cooler that can keep your food cold, you may not need a camping fridge. However, if you are going on a long trip or if you need to keep your food cold for a long period of time, a camping fridge can be a lifesaver.

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